The article by Gilbert was
filled with many appealing facts and information about the lives of teenagers.I found that this article relates very much to Rabys five discourses. I choose to write about a quote for this blog because this one really stood out
to me and I have strong personal opinions about what was mentioned. “For
several years, debate raged over whether or not mass culture, particularly in
the guise of advertising, comic books, films, and other consumer entertainment
aimed at youth, has misshapped a generation of American boys and girls
(Gilbert).” I find this statement by the author to definitley be true and it
pretty much speaks for itself. I believe that media and technology has
definitley shaped teenagers as they grow. Their minds are focusing on the
latest trends instead of enjoying their time growing up. I can remember my
teenage years being with my friends and doing stuff actually “with them.” Now a
days kids are talking with their friends online and it is becoming more
socially acceptable. I was always outside playing with neighborhood friends or
friends from school. My parents would have to call me in to come eat dinner
which I would do, but then go right back outside. Life and times have
definitley changed from when I was younger and even for previous generations. I
didn’t have all this technology growing up so I had to make my own fun. I think
that’s the huge disadvantage that children and teens have today. Their sense of
fun is already made for them and they don’t use their imagination to create
things because unforuntaley they no longer have to.